October, 2023

Midi Libre – “Thundershowers that will last for hours”: which areas will be hardest hit by the Cevennes storm?

Midi Libre – “Thundershowers that will last for hours”: which areas will be hardest hit by the Cevennes storm?

“After moderate showers on Tuesday October 17, the departments of Hérault, Gard and Ardèche will be facing heavy rain over the next few days due to a Cevenol episode. ”

Read the full article on the Midi Libre website by clicking on the following link: article.

La suite après cette semaine de précipitations ? "Possiblement d'autres épisodes cévenols, car la mer va rester chaude. Il y a donc le potentiel qu’il y ait de nouvelles fortes pluies si des dépressions sont de passages", conclut Alix Roumagnac.