October, 2024
Since the end of September 2024, Predict has been supporting the Côte d’Ivoire authorities as part of the VIGICLIMM project (Projet de modernisation du système de vigilance, d’alerte, et de services climatiques et météorologiques aux usagers) and the PARU (Projet d’Assainissement et de Résilience Urbaine) urban sanitation and resilience project.
As part of the VIGICLIMM project, financed by the AFD – Agence Française de Développement, Predict is working alongside Météo France International (MFI) to strengthen the capacity of the Société d’exploitation et de développement aéroportuaire, aéronautique et météorologique (SODEXAM Côte d’Ivoire), helping it to modernize its vigilance, warning and climate and weather services to users.
Predict is also working with the Côte d’Ivoire authorities, with its partner BRL Ingénierie as part of the PARU project financed by the World Bank, to improve the Early Warning and Forecasting System (SPAP) aimed at protecting populations against the risk of flooding.
Over a two-week period, Predict worked with the Ivorian authorities to carry out an audit prior to the modernization of the country’s early warning and alert system, and to draw up the first Community Safety Plans (Plans Communaux de Sauvegarde – PCS) in Côte d’Ivoire, in order to design the preventive action plans needed for effective, operational management of the flood risks affecting the autonomous district of Abidjan.
Session on drawing up a Communal Emergency Response Plan